Starcraft 2 campaign units
Starcraft 2 campaign units

starcraft 2 campaign units starcraft 2 campaign units

Once you know what you're doing, you can actually trivialize the mission (if you have Tech Reactors by now, the mission becomes several magnitudes easier), but in the meantime, you'll probably rip your hair out, again, and again, and again. You have to protect an overeager (extremely so on Brutal) Tychus Findlay as he commandeers the Odin (a super-sized and overpowered Thor if you've been playing custom/online games instead of doing the campaign first). Engine of Destruction (Valhalla)įrom the Covert storyline, we go to the Rebellion storyline for a mission that's hard not because of the layout, but because of your mission objectives. Be prepared to hear the message: "Warning, the Taldarim are sealing a terrazine altar!" a lot! 3. Oh, did I mention there are only 13 altars? And that they seal them? Quickly, in Brutal, mind you. Oh, did I mention you'll probably have to expand to get more resources? And that the attack groups will start attacking your expansion once you try to set it up? You're going to need a healthy mix of troops just to not get wiped out, and expect to see such beauties such as Colossi (Hard or higher) and High Templars (Brutal only) in the attack groups as well. Essentially, you need to defend your base, harvest terrazine and micromanage your units as they protect the SCV, all at the same time. As you can expect-fat chance of that happening. Now, this would be easy if the Taldarim Protoss in the area would leave you alone. It's ridiculous.īasically, you have a base near the lower right corner of the map and have to collect seven canisters of terrazine gas (it's similar to Vespene Gas, but it's used to create Spectres specifically). This is part of the Covert storyline, which will net you Spectres or Ghosts (depending on which branching mission you play at the end of the storyline). Part of this other article I wrote should help you if you're unsure what to do. If you complete Belly of the Beast, the Nydus Worms are gone, but they get Mutalisks and Brood Lords (to be fair, the Hive Mind Emulator breaks this mission easily if they send air I pity you if you got Psi Disrupters instead.) You see, if you play Shatter the Sky, the Zerg have no air units (except for Overlords/Overseers but those don't attack) but they get Nydus Worms, which spawn reinforcements at a sickening rate until you destroy them. The previous mission gives you a choice to prevent the Zerg from using a type of unit on you, but that won't help. Your micro and macro skills will be pushed to their limits as the Zerg assault your base (nearly) endlessly from five different angles. Keep it in mind when you're wondering why I find certain missions so difficult.Īll In is the last mission of the Wings of Liberty campaign and also the hardest. Note: I have been playing the campaign at Brutal, so my opinions will be tempered because of this.

Starcraft 2 campaign units