Also, the supported video formats are - asf, wmv, mpg, mp4, dv, dvi, mov, 3g, FLV file, and SWF file. Workaround: Use mp3 and WAV audio files in PowerPoint or Presenter. Adobe Presenter 8 supports only limited audio formats.When you do so, the newly added question slides are updated and the published output works as expected. Workaround: After copying and pasting question slides, open the Quiz Manager and click OK. If the presentation contains question slides copied from within the presentation or from other presentations, the published content remains in the loading state when played.Do not move question slides directly in the presentation filmstrip. Workaround: Edit and move question slides within the Quiz Manager. Moving question slides from one quiz to another in the presentation slides can create error scenarios in published output.Workaround: Ensure that the Adobe Presenter installation path does not contain any double-byte characters. Enabling the add-ins to does not add the Adobe Presenter ribbon to PowerPoint. Adobe Presenter does not appear as a Microsoft PowerPoint ribbon if the installation folder name contains double-byte characters.Total number of questions reported to Adobe Connect is incorrect if a question group is set to show less number of questions than the actual questions in project.Workaround: For the Adobe Presenter audio to sync correctly, ensure that all animations on a slide are on-click animations. Adobe Presenter audio cannot be synchronized correctly with animations if a slide contains a mix of on-click animations and after/previous animations.Microsoft PowerPoint launches successfully and you can continue using Adobe Presenter When prompted to disable the Adobe Presenter plug-in, click No.Run the Adobe Presenter 8 64-bit installer again.You should save presentations, quit, and then restart PowerPoint"
"PowerPoint found an error that it can't correct.
On Windows 7 (without SP1) and Windows Vista (with service packs), PowerPoint does not launch after Adobe Presenter 8 (64 bit) is installed.This document contains known issues and troubleshooting tips not covered in Adobe Presenter documentation.